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FROM OCT 4TH 2023: Foxboro’s Football Program Heartbroken due to the Newly Declared Rebranding.


The town of Foxboro’s athletic programs have always been branded as the “Warriors”. They’re logo happened to be a Native American, which to some was considered inappropriate for plenty of different reasons. There has been an ongoing conflict, mainly between the school committee and the football team, regarding the logo being changed. Last night, the final decision was made.

Members of the athletic programs feel blindsided by this change, especially members of the football program. Junior Quarterback Mike Marcucella stated, “It hurts honestly for it (the logo) to be taken so abruptly and to not have it for my senior year…the decision (to switch the logo) seems rushed.” As vocal as he is, it’s not just Marcucella speaking up. Plenty of other players had some things to say as well.“(The logo change)adds a chip on our shoulder” stated Senior captain Nathan Urman, a big leader for this dominant Foxboro team, who also happens to be the class president of Foxboro’s 2024 class. Foxboro Junior defensive back Kaden Hassett was also quoted building onto Urman by saying, “as a small town playing in the Hockomock League we already have a chip on our shoulder, this just adds more fuel to the fire. It gives us even more to play for.”

The Warrior logo has been in the Foxboro community for decades, and to some people, it is even a part of their identity as a person. It is a huge part of the town’s history and culture. Last night, it was made official that the logo will be no longer, as the majority of the school committee voted in favor of a rebranding. For obvious reasons, the people involved with the athlete programs at Foxboro High felt let down, but they will continue to keep their chin held towards the sky. Assistant football coach  for the Warriors A.J. Dooley was quoted saying, “You can take the logo out of our schools, but you can’t take it out of our hearts.” Many Foxboro residents feel just as Coach Dooley does. 

“I believe the Warrior way of life will not change” said Coach Dooley, “I believe as warriors we will rally and become a stronger town.” It seems as though even with the warrior logo being discontinued, the townspeople seem to be motivated by the situation, even though it did not go in their favor.  Resident Heather Harding was quoted at one of the town's meetings saying, "This issue in general has the potential to really divide our town," she said displayed on WBZ News, "In Foxboro, it's embraced by the entire community and that's why a lot of us feel very strongly that before any decision is made or if any action is taken, it needs to be vetted by the entire town." 

The football program, obviously upset as they have expressed, is also not letting this predicament distract them. “It won't change the way I play or what I do on the field,” stated Marcucella, who will try and help lead Foxboro to a victory at Jack Martinelli Field this friday against a tough Stoughton team, who will definitely not roll over to the 4-0 Warriors. Should be a good ball game, regardless of what logo is on the side of the Warriors helmet.


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